Nothing says satisfied clients quite as much as clients themselves. We have many clients each year who trust us to help them purchase dream homes or investment properties. Here are just some of their stories.

Featured Client

Jan & Keith:
ready, but not quite.

Faced with the prospect of knowing the time for downsizing was looming, Jan and Keith stumbled upon the perfect property – just a few years too early, but that didn’t stop them from realising it was a now or never opportunity and called us in to work with them to secure their perfect downsizer.

Featured Client

Requirements Met.

Needing to find a new place to call home for herself and her young son, Kylie worked with us to ensure her budget was kept in line and that the home was what she needed for her new life. Whilst not finding the right place straight away, the ideal home was found and as they say.. .they lived happily ever after! 

Featured Client

Tiffany & Andrew:
Sell high, buy low.

When you combine an overseas posting with renovation plans that were not working out and a rising hot market you get keen investment property sellers like Tiffany and Andrew. As long term clients, Tiffany and Andrew again turned to us to assist them in finding the right agent to sell their property and upon their later return to Australia, find the ideal rental home for their family to wait out the still-rising hot market before purchasing again. 

Featured Client

Lois & Quentin:
Love V’s Budget.

Love V’s budget, rational husband V’s ‘must-have-this-house’ wife. A perfectly fabulous couple from Melbourne who wanted to relocate to Canberra with the intent to be a stone’s throw away from their new grandbaby, and a short drive to the rest of the grandkids in Sydney. A hotly contested buyers agent, versus buyers agent, versus buyers agent (yes, we were all there!) resulted in their dream Canberra home becoming a reality. 

“We were going to be in Vanuatu when the auction was on so we just knew we had to have Penny represent us. It was the best decision as she worked hard to get the house for us within our budget. ”

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with Penny